Some pages will look different than others as we modernize to bring you an even better website.


A - B | C - F | G - L | M - O | P - Z

A - B

  • 学术search总理 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    多学科数据库4个以上,600种杂志和期刊, 包括全文近3页,900篇同行评议书目.
  • 在线学术视频  链接在新窗会中打开
    A multidisciplinary collection of many thousands of videos spanning a wide range of subject areas. 内容包括纪录片, 面试, 故事片, 表演, 新闻节目和新闻短片, 和示威.
  • 获取世界新闻  链接在新窗会中打开
    International, national, regional, and local 报纸 including more than 50 from Nebraska.
  • ALLDATA 链接在新窗会中打开
    汽车服务和碰撞修理. 只供校内使用.
  • Alt HealthWatch (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    全文文章来自1篇以上40 publications (期刊, 消费者通讯, 小册子, 报告, 等.) dealing with complementary and alternative 医学.
  • Artstor 链接在新窗会中打开
    Digital library of more than one million 图片 in the 艺术s, 体系结构, 人文学科 and social sciences with a suite of software tools to view, 呈现和管理图像.
  • 传记参考银行 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
  • 参考资料来源 链接在新窗会中打开
    Comprehensive collection of 450,000+ biographical profiles.
  • 《ope客户端》的学术 链接在新窗会中打开
    超过118个,000百科全书条目, 14,000 illustrations and links to related and reviewed web sites.
  • 商业资源精英 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    全文文章来自1篇以上,100 业务 期刊 (including nearly 450 peer-reviewed publications) covering a wide range of 业务 topics: work-related issues, 管理, 广告, 市场营销, 会计, 金融, 银行, 经济学和更多. 包括公司简介和商业辞典.


C - F

  • 高等教育编年史 链接在新窗会中打开
    News, information and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.
  • CINAHL加全文 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    全文文章来自1篇以上,000份护理和相关健康期刊, 加上索引从超过3,000多.
  • 消费者健康报告 链接在新窗会中打开
    Access full text books, 艺术icles, 报告 and videos on 健康 and wellness.
  • 数码剧场Plus 链接在新窗会中打开
    高品质戏剧作品, 面试, analyses of play texts and other resources for educators, 学生和戏剧专业人士.
  • 电子书收集 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    eBooks covering a wide range of topics and subject areas. [ 下载专文电子书 ]
  • 专文 链接在新窗会中打开
    A collection of databases providing full text 艺术icles in a variety of subject areas. 每个数据库也分别列出.
  • E -期刊 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Thousands of online 期刊 containing 艺术icles from hundreds of different publishers, 都在一个网站上.
  • 埃里克 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Articles from more than 2,000 教育al and 教育-related magazines, 期刊 and 报告.
  • 探索社会中的种族问题 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    A collection of resources on race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness in U.S. 社会.
  • 弗格森职业指导中心 链接在新窗会中打开
  • 第一个研究 链接在新窗会中打开
  • 第一search 链接在新窗会中打开
  • Flipster 链接在新窗会中打开
    Access high quality digital versions of popular magazines on your desktop computer, 移动电话, 或平板电脑. Use the free Flipster app to download magazines onto your mobile devices and read them offline, 任何时候, 在任何地方.


G - L

  • 盖尔电子书 链接在新窗会中打开
    涵盖艺术的百科全书集, 生物伦理学, 传记, 业务, 犯罪与司法, 教育, 环境, 历史, 法律, 文学, 医学, 多元文化研究, 国家和世界, 哲学, 宗教, 科学与社会学.
  • 全球公路勇士 链接在新窗会中打开 -涉及商业的县域概况, 文化, 人口统计资料, 旅游信息, 经济, 食物, 宗教, 地图, 图片, 和更多的.
  • 谷歌学者 链接在新窗会中打开
    A search engine that allows you to find scholarly resources on the web.
  • GreenFILE (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    索引和摘要学术, government and general-interest magazines and 期刊 covering all aspects of the human impact on the 环境.
  • 来源:护理/学术版 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Full text 艺术icles from nearly 600 scholarly 期刊, 加上来自近850个额外期刊的摘要.
  • 学习Express图书馆 链接在新窗会中打开
    Interactive practice tests and tutorial courses for academic, 大学入学, 公务员, 专业执照和认证考试.
  • 法律资讯来源 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    More than 225 full-text consumer legal reference books and thousands of legal forms.
  • 文献资源中心 链接在新窗会中打开
    Biographies, bibliographies and critical analyses of authors from every age and literary discipline.
  • LitFinder 链接在新窗会中打开
    Find poems, short stories, essays, plays and speeches plus author biographies and pictures.


M - O

  • MAS完成 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Full text from hundreds of popular magazines suitable for high school students.
  • MasterFILE完成 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Multidisciplinary database providing full text from magazines, 报纸, 期刊, 参考书和主要原始文件.
  • 媒介偏差图 链接在新窗会中打开
    An interactive ch艺术 allowing you to look at media sources mapped across two dimensions - reliability and bias.
  • MEDLINE (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Citations and abstracts with limited full text from biomedical and 健康 期刊. Also available via the National 图书馆 of 医学's PubMed.
  • 中间search+ (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
  • MLA手册Plus 链接在新窗会中打开
    包含的数字副本 MLA手册 (9日艾德.), MLA数字素养指南 (第二版.), MLA本科生文学研究指南 以及MLA风格的视频课程.
  • Mometrix e图书馆 链接在新窗会中打开
  • MyHeritage图书馆版 链接在新窗会中打开
    Trace your family 历史 through global genealogy resources.
  • 新游戏交换 链接在新窗会中打开
    The National New Play Network’s database of plays and musicals shared by writers from more than 40 countries.
  • 新闻全文数据库大学 链接在新窗会中打开
    Provides full-text access to 业务, news, and legal publications.
  • 小说家K-8 + 链接在新窗会中打开
    Find just the right fiction or nonfiction book for children from kinderg艺术en through grade 8.
  • 小说家+ 链接在新窗会中打开
    Find recommendations, reviews and series information for fiction and nonfiction books.
  • 奥马哈的明星 (NewsBank) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Articles from Omaha's only African-American newspaper. Covers 1938 to the present with digital 图片 from 1938-2011.
  • 奥马哈World-Herald (NewsBank) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Full text newspaper 艺术icles covering Nebraska and western Iowa dating back to 1983. 包括2018年至今的数字图像.
  • OmniFile全文选择 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    全文文章约1篇,涵盖时事的杂志和期刊多达5000种, 艺术, 应用科学技术, 生物学, 农业, 教育, 科学概论, 人文学科, 法律, 社会科学与商业.
  • OpenDissertations (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    记录为1条以上.4 million electronic theses and dissertations from more than 320 universities around the world/
  • 反对的观点 链接在新窗会中打开
    Pro/con coverage of controversial contemporary issues. 包括全文杂志和报纸文章, 课题概述, 统计数据, 主要文件和相关网站的链接.
  • 牛津英语词典 链接在新窗会中打开
    牛津英语词典 is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. 它是一个无与伦比的意义指南, 600的历史和发音,000 words - past and present - from across the English-speaking world."


P - Z

  • 观点参考源 链接在新窗会中打开
    Find critical essays of current events with an overview and two sides of the issue.
  • 主要的search (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Full text 艺术icles from 60 popular magazines for elementary school research.
  • 心理学 & 行为科学系列 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Full text 艺术icles covering topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, 精神病学和心理学, 心理过程, 人类学, 以及观察和实验方法.
  • 参考解决方案 链接在新窗会中打开
    研究了超过1400万美国人.S. 企业和95000家高科技公司.
  • 地区商业新闻 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    来自75种商业期刊的全文文章, 报纸 and newswires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
  • 科学 & 技术集合 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Full text 期刊 covering the 科学 and technical community including aeronautics, 天体物理学, 化学, 计算机技术, 地质, 航空, 物理, 考古, 材料科学.
  • SIRS问题研究员 链接在新窗会中打开
    Thousands of full text magazine and newspaper 艺术icles exploring current events and social, 科学, 健康, 历史, 经济, 业务, 政治和全球问题.
  • 小型企业来源 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    A comprehensive resource for small 业务 owners containing full-text 艺术icles and 报告, 商业计划书样本, 纳税申报表, 录像和参考书.
  • Statista 链接在新窗会中打开
    找到数据, consumer survey results and industry studies from more than 18,超过60个,000个来源,000年的主题.
  • 职业生涯收集 (专文) 链接在新窗会中打开
    Full text coverage for 400 trade and industry-related periodicals.
  • 《ope客户端》 链接在新窗会中打开
    Full text 艺术icles from the Eastern edition of the 《ope客户端》 追溯到1984年.
  • 美国的妇女和社会运动 链接在新窗会中打开
    Primary source documents and other publications related to the 历史 of women in social movements in the United States from 1600-2000.
  • 世界宗教 链接在新窗会中打开
    A comprehensive guide to the world's major 宗教s and spiritual traditions. 包含文章,传记,视频和图像.
  • 使用 (第一search) 链接在新窗会中打开
    A library catalog describing books, DVDs and other materials available in libraries worldwide.
